Create a position for a ShibaSwap pair
Providing liquidity to ShibaSwap pairs is a very straightforward process. In a few steps, you can select the tokens, transfer the amount you desire and complete the transaction.
We’re using our test environment and testnet network to show you how to provide liquidity to ShibaSwap. Some of the screens might be a bit different from the mainnet version.
- Go to ShibaSwap and choose the pair you want to provide liquidity to. In our case, we’re using USDT-WBONE pool. Don’t forget to connect your wallet. If you haven’t yet, you will be prompted to do so.

- After clicking on Create Position, you will be redirected to the pair page. There you can set the amount of tokens you wish to provide, check statistics for the pair, select fee tier and price range.

- Approve the transaction and you will be prompted with your wallet approval process. Accept the transaction and it will be soon confirmed. You will now be able to Supply the tokens. You can now check the details of the transaction and confirm it. Your wallet will reappear requesting you to sign the transaction.

- Accept your wallet requests and your transaction will be completed very soon. Meanwhile, You can check it on our explorer.
Congratulations! You just provided liquidity to a ShibaSwap pair!
Withdraw funds from a liquidity pool
In just a few steps, you can withdraw the tokens you used to provide liquidity for one of the ShibaSwap pools.
- On the Liquidity Pools page, you can see a list of liquidity pools you have contributed to. Click on Withdraw Liquidity to proceed.

- You can use the percentage buttons to choose how much of the two tokens you would like to get back. In this example, we’re withdrawing 50% of what we had previously invested. Click on Approve and follow the instructions from your wallet.

Having signed the transaction on your wallet, the Remove button becomes available. Click on it and you should see the last details of your transaction. Confirm it and your wallet should prompt you again to finalize the withdrawal.
You can check the transaction on the explorer while the tokens haven’t reached your wallet yet.
That’s it. You successfully withdrew your funds from ShibaSwap.
Add tokens on ShibaSwap
If you can’t find a particular token in ShibaSwap, you most likely have to add it to the application. Here are the steps you need to follow:
- Go to Create Liquidity Pair from the main page. When the new page is loaded, click on one of the tokens.

- You will see the list of available tokens. In our case, we will add a new token that is not available yet. Click on Manage at the bottom of the module.

- Make sure the Tokens tab is selected. If so, paste the token address and Import the token.

- DYOR. Before you finish importing the new token, it is important to know if you can trust the token issuer and if it is legitimate.

Stake tokens on ShibaSwap
To stake your tokens and get some Bone rewards, you should follow these steps:
- Click on Bury SHIB/BONE/LEASH on the overview page on ShibaSwap.

- Select Stake in the module then select the amount you wish to stake.

- Click Stake, and approve the transaction in your wallet.
- There you have it. You successfully staked your tokens!
Unstake tokens on ShibaSwap
You can easily unstake your tokens on ShibaSwap.
- Click on Bury SHIB/BONE/LEASH on the overview page on ShibaSwap.

- Select Unstake in the module then select the amount you wish to withdraw.

- Click Unstake and approve the transaction in your wallet.
- That’s it. You unstaked your tokens