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Transactions API


Access to the RPC data requires authentication. Head to the Developer Portal to get your API Key.

Use this endpoint to fetch transaction data from a given address.

Base URL

Request example

  GET  /transactions
curl -s "{{address}}&api_key={{api_key}}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET

Header Parameters

No header parameters needed.

Query Parameters

api_keyYour API key provided by the Developer Portal.-----
addressThe wallet address from which you would like to fetch data.----


"items": [
"actions": [],
"base_fee_per_gas": "15",
"block": 4319804,
"confirmation_duration": [
"confirmations": 431946,
"created_contract": null,
"decoded_input": null,
"exchange_rate": null,
"fee": {
"type": "actual",
"value": "52500000315000"
"from": {
"ens_domain_name": null,
"hash": "0x8B066912dCDA9c9001A84b28F1aBD06e9E19114B",
"implementations": [],
"is_contract": false,
"is_verified": false,
"metadata": null,
"name": null,
"private_tags": [],
"proxy_type": null,
"public_tags": [],
"watchlist_names": []
"gas_limit": "1048576",
"gas_price": "2500000015",
"gas_used": "21000",
"has_error_in_internal_txs": false,
"hash": "0xb27af2f3b0d1171c58045c5671e1771a2084193f831f1b8bf81fb3c4f0e4e9bb",
"max_fee_per_gas": "2500000015",
"max_priority_fee_per_gas": "2500000015",
"method": null,
"nonce": 42633,
"position": 0,
"priority_fee": "52500000000000",
"raw_input": "0x",
"result": "success",
"revert_reason": null,
"status": "ok",
"timestamp": "2024-08-22T09:48:36.000000Z",
"to": {
"ens_domain_name": null,
"hash": "0x5C253e4cc17225C799724824D35D361Be201B548",
"implementations": [],
"is_contract": false,
"is_verified": false,
"metadata": null,
"name": null,
"private_tags": [],
"proxy_type": null,
"public_tags": [],
"watchlist_names": []
"token_transfers": null,
"token_transfers_overflow": null,
"tx_burnt_fee": "315000",
"tx_tag": null,
"tx_types": [
"type": 2,
"value": "10000000000000000000"
"next_page_params": {
"api_key": "",
"apikey": "",
"block_number": 3515628,
"fee": "46207912380000",
"hash": "0x4074791a7beec5dcecb9dffbab10b0001e2d9025480cdb53e77b1606ae174e2e",
"index": 0,
"inserted_at": "2024-07-06T17:24:25.541294Z",
"items_count": 50,
"value": "500000000000000000"
itemsList of transactions.
actionsA list of actions associated with the transaction.
base_fee_per_gasThe base fee per gas unit for this transaction, indicating the minimum amount of gas required to process the transaction.
blockThe number of the block where the transaction was registered.
confirmation_durationAn array representing the range of time (in milliseconds) it took for the transaction to be confirmed.
confirmationsThe number of confirmations (431946) this transaction has received. Confirmations indicate how many blocks have been added to the blockchain since this transaction.
created_contractThis key refers to details about a contract that was created as a result of a transaction. It contains information such as the contract's address, name, and whether it has been verified.
decoded_inputThis contains the decoded information from the raw transaction input. It typically includes the method call (method_call) and the parameters passed to the function during the transaction.
exchange_rateThe exchange rate at the time of the transaction (if applicable).
feeContains information about the transaction fee.
typeSpecifies whether the fee is the actually charged one, an estimation or the maximum possible fee.
valueThe actual fee paid for the transaction.
fromContains information about the sender of the transaction.
ens_domain_nameThe ENS (Ethereum Name Service) domain name, if applicable.
hashThe address hash of the sender.
implementationsHolds a list of smart contract standards or protocols that the given address adheres to.
is_contractIndicates if the sender is a smart contract.
is_verifiedIndicates whether the sender address is verified.
metadataStores extra information about the address, such as descriptive data that might come from external sources or on-chain events. Metadata can include details like social handles, contract descriptions, or external references to the address.
nameRefers to a human-readable identifier for the address, often assigned through services like ENS (Ethereum Name Service) or another name registration system.
private_tagsUser-defined labels or categories that can be assigned to addresses for organizational purposes.
proxy_typeRefers to the type of proxy contract the address might represent, especially in systems where smart contract proxies are used. Proxy contracts allow upgrades or changes to be made to a contract's logic without changing the contract's address.
public_tagsPublic tags are similar to private tags but are visible to everyone. They serve as a form of public labeling for addresses that are widely recognized or have a specific purpose.
watchlist_namesStores the names of watchlists the address has been added to.
gas_limitThe maximum amount of gas allowed for the transaction, here units.
gas_priceThe price of gas per unit.
gas_usedThe actual amount of gas used by the transaction.
has_error_in_internal_txsWhether there were any errors in any internal transactions.
hashThe transaction hash.
max_fee_per_gashe maximum fee per gas unit that the sender is willing to pay.
max_priority_fee_per_gasThe maximum priority fee per gas unit that the sender is willing to pay to speed up the transaction process.
methodSpecific method or smart contract function.
nonceThe nonce for this transaction, which is the number of transactions sent by the sender up to this point.
positionThe position of the transaction within the block.
priority_feeThe priority fee paid to validators.
raw_inputThe raw input data provided in the transaction.
resultIndicates the outcome of the transaction.
revert_reasonShows the reason why the transaction was reverted, if applicable.
statusThe transaction status, that is, if it was successfully processed or not.
timestampThe timestamp when the transaction occurred.
toContains information about the recipient of the transaction
ens_domain_nameThe ENS (Ethereum Name Service) domain name, if applicable.
hashThe address hash of the recipient.
implementationsHolds a list of smart contract standards or protocols that the given address adheres to.
is_contractIndicates if the recipient is a smart contract.
is_verifiedIndicates whether the recipient address is verified.
metadataStores extra information about the address, such as descriptive data that might come from external sources or on-chain events. Metadata can include details like social handles, contract descriptions, or external references to the address.
nameRefers to a human-readable identifier for the address, often assigned through services like ENS (Ethereum Name Service) or another name registration system
private_tagsUser-defined labels or categories that can be assigned to addresses for organizational purposes.
proxy_typeRefers to the type of proxy contract the address might represent, especially in systems where smart contract proxies are used. Proxy contracts allow upgrades or changes to be made to a contract's logic without changing the contract's address.
public_tagsPublic tags are similar to private tags but are visible to everyone. They serve as a form of public labeling for addresses that are widely recognized or have a specific purpose.
watchlist_namesStores the names of watchlists the address has been added to.
token_transfersWhat token transfers occurred during this transactions.
token_transfers_overflowWhether overflow or errors in token transfers happened.
tx_burnt_feeThe amount of gas fees burned by the transaction.
tx_tagSpecific tags associated with the transaction.
tx_typesA list indicating the type of transaction.
typeThe transaction type.
valueThe amount of cryptocurrency transferred in the transaction.
next_page_paramsThese are parameters needed to retrieve the next page of transactions when paginating through API results.
api_keyKey used for authentication.
apikeyKey used for authentication.
block_numberThe specific block number on the blockchain where the transaction was included.
feeThe transaction fee that was paid for executing the transaction on the blockchain.
hashThis is a unique identifier for the transaction.
indexThis key refers to the position of the transaction within the block.
inserted_atThe timestamp when the transaction or the data related to it was inserted into the blockchain itself.
items_countThe number of items returned in the response or contained within a specific transaction detail.
valueThe value of the transaction in the native currency of the blockchain.